Doctor of Princes Gabriel bin Obaidullah bin Bakhtisoa (311- 396 e / 923- 1006 m)


  • AD Hiyam Odeh Mohammed



Abbasi History, Medicine, Al-Bakhtisouh


My research on Gabriel Ben Bakhtisouh and his title as "Doctor of Princes" included a review of a prominent Christian medical figure in the field of currency. He was a descendant of a medical family with a weight when studying the history of medicine and medicine in the Abbasid ages. The work of fathers, including the chases that he was subjected to by the Abbasid Caliphs because of the footnotes of their hatred of what Al-Bakhtisu came from the center of Mali and its place in society.
But despite his poor social and social status, he went to Baghdad to study science and study medicine. He was educated by a number of doctors. He worked in medical hospitals and was close to the state of Al Buweihi. He became one of the most prominent doctors working in Al-Maqtadar Al-Baimaristan. He is the most prominent hospital established in Baghdad in 371 AH.
Because of what was known later and the distinctive knowledge and know-how in the field of medical specialization, one of the doctors sent by the members of his country to the princes of the regions to treat them. Which improved his economic status, which was restored to the glory of his ancestors.
After nearly 30 years, he became one of the most famous doctors of the age of the famous, with their reputation and knowledge spread throughout the horizons. He became the author of many medical works.





