Components of the rhetorical literature Biography


  • Essam Al-Asa'l



Is a biography of genres, which revolve generally around placed self as a starting point and the end of the creator, they also make it self-reader in the realm of expectation to follow the written form is close to silent, who helped in the formation of personal creativity, the ceremony of Arabic literature and the world many of the biographies by innovators have had an important role in shaping cultural map Bmajaladtha different, and can not be for the researcher to stand in the form of a single model to write the biography from which to measure the writing ability to accomplish a form of genre, but we are facing various forms of writing CVs ranging among the writings of documentaries eager to mention all the incidents experienced by the biographer, even if insignificant and biographies away from recording the facts - and they do not cancel completely - and close to the formulation of the work is close to working novelist Bhetwaverh to the narrative and the characters, and can add another form of forms of writing biographies is politely recognition, that literature, which draws its presence and broad interest to readers because it reveals the taboos of the area has remained hidden in his memory for many years.







