Appeal and the condition in the prayers of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)


  • Mohammed Amer moa'aen Nada Ibrahim Hamdan



He met the Imam Ali peace be upon him of the attributes of perfection and Mahmoud merits and sorts, And Sanaa lineage and honor with sumptuous pure instinct and self sick, unless preparing The jealousy of men Avmaz is one of the creators of the Arab-Islamic literature, and I know Sergeants I know scientists and so came to research for prayer Imam Ali peace be upon him to study From two perspectives are the call and condition, and About Hyahalamam Ali peace be upon him, and the historical value of the prayer the Imam, and the call in the prayer of Imam Ali peace be upon him through the definition of the appeal in the language and terminology, and pictures of the appeal in the prayers of Imam Ali peace be upon him, and style of the condition in the prayer of Imam Ali through determine the term and condition statement of his staff and the statement of his pictures in prayer or words of Imam Ali. The research concluded conclusion summarized the most important results brought about by the search, and finally proved to the sources and references relied on in completing the research, leaving a way that is it. God bless .






