About the Journal

The University of Mustansiriya was founded in the academic year 1969-1970. It was issued by the presidency of the Mustansiriya University and issued a fifth edition of all specialties. It was the foundation stone for the founding of the Mustansiriya Journal of Arts. The Mustansiriya Journal of Arts was established after the specialization of Mustansiriya University in the Faculty of Arts at Mustansiriya University Al-Dasi 1975-1976. In 1982-1983, Al-Mustansiriya Journal became a faculty of literature in all Iraqi universities. Since its foundation, it has issued more than one number in one academic year. Later in the 1980s, Self-magazine to meet their printing needs and to support scientific research and publication.

Al-Mustansiriyah Journal is one of the scientific journals dealing with human research. It is one of the recognized journals in scientific promotions and research support. The magazine publishes its research in Arabic, English and French. The research method is evaluated by sending it to three academic scholars and by adopting the academic method of evaluation , Which is usually a secret assessment without knowing the scientific expert's name and place of work.