Propositional Representations and its relation with Semantic Networks at college students


  • L.Dr .Riyadh Azeez Abbas


Propositional Representation, Semantic Networks, Representations, Proposition, College Students, Cognitive psychology


This research aims to know

  • Propositional representations among university students
  • The significance of differences in the propositional representations of university students according to the gender variable (males - females)
  • Semantic networks among university students
  • The significance of differences in semantic networks among university students according to the gender variable (males - females).
  • The correlation between propositional representations and semantic networks among university students.

Kintach (1980) defined the overlapping parts of hypothetical information that represent time, action, subject, and influence. The scale of virtual representations was applied to a sample consisting of (200) male and female students and the researcher adopted the scale of virtual representations consisting of (16) items and applied to the research sample the results of the research showed that students have low virtual representations and that there are statistically significant differences according to the gender variable and in favor of females.

Based on (Quillion) definition (is a hierarchical organization of categorical facts by nodes linking each category with the other categories), the results also showed that semantic networks have a high level of significance and decrease in males compared to females and the research reached in light of the results to a set of recommendations.


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