The vitality of conscience among educational counselors


  • Assist prof. Dr. Khdir Abbas Ghilan


Psychological counseling, educational psychology, sociology, conscience, educational counselor.


This research aims at identifying the level of: - the vitality of conscience among educational counselors. the vitality of the conscience of the educational workers. Depending on the gender variable (male-female). The sample size is 198 mail and female from Baghdad for the educational directors (Al-Karkh and Al-Rusafa). The research uses Hashim 215 parameter which applied to Iraqi environment. This parameter consists of 38 articles and the answer is to chose alternative from other five choices. The marks will be 5 for the first alternative which is (always), 4 for the second alternative (often), 3 to the third alternative which is (occasionally), 2 for the fourth alternative which is (rarely), and 1 for the fifth alternative which is (never). It includes 6 fields and finally it consists of 38

When analyzing the data, the research results showed that the research sample is vital to conscience, and there are no statistically significant differences depending on the sex variable.


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