Impostor syndrome and its relation to impression formation among middle school teachers


  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Huda Abdl-Razzaq M


imposter syndrome, impression formation, fake. deception. middle School


The research aims to know the impostor syndrome and its relationship to impression formation among middle school teachers. The researcher used the descriptive approach, and the research sample amounted to (200) male and female teachers. The researcher used the impostor syndrome scale (Clance 1985), which consists of 20 items, and the Ansari scale 2012 to measure impression formation, which consists of 42 Paragraphs. The internal consistency Facronbach test was used to verify the validity (and constructive) and stability of both scales, and the research produced the following results:

The presence of imposter syndrome among middle school teachers.

The presence of impression formation among middle school teachers.

- There is a significant direct correlation between the imposter syndrome and impression formation among middle school teachers


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