A comparative study in assuming responsibility according to death anxiety among medical staff working in quarantine


  • L. Dr. Haider Thabet Khalaf


taking responsibility, death anxiety, medical personnel, quarantine, Covid 19


This research aims to identify:

  1. Take responsibility for the medical staff working in quarantine
  2. Death anxiety among medical staff working in quarantine.
  3. The significance of the statistical difference to assume responsibility according to the gender variable (male-female).
  4. The significance of the statistical difference for death anxiety according to the gender variable (male-female).
  5. The significance of the statistical difference to take responsibility for the medical staff working in quarantine, according to death anxiety.

To achieve the objectives of this research, the researcher relied on the following:

  1. The researcher used the descriptive method in reaching the research results
  2. The death anxiety scale was prepared in accordance with this study, and it consisted of four dimensions for each dimension (7) paragraphs in its final form, while the researcher adopted the scale (Jumaili, 2016) to assume responsibility, which consisted of three domains for each domain (10) paragraphs.
  3. The research community consists of medical staff working in quarantine in Baghdad governorate hospitals for the year 2021. The sample of the research included (130) workers in quarantine between a doctor and a physician's assistant, and the data was dumped using the Statistical Bag for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the results appeared as follows:
  4. Medical personnel working in quarantine have a high level of responsibility.
  5. High death anxiety among the medical staff working in quarantine.
  6. There is no difference between males and females in taking responsibility for the cadres working in quarantine.
  7. There is a difference between males and females in the level of death anxiety and in favor of females among the cadres working in quarantine.
  8. There is no difference in taking responsibility according to death anxiety among medical staff working in quarantine.

As a complement to these results, the researcher presented a number of recommendations and proposals.


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