Professional burden and its relationship to Emotional Reassurance for Female Teachers


  • L. Dr. Najat Sadiq Jaafar


professional load, emotional reassurance, needs, female teachers.


This study aimed to identify:

  • The professional burden of female teachers.
  • Reassurance emotionality of teachers.
  • Identifying the significance of the differences in the relationship between professional performance and emotional reassurance among female teachers according to the variable of marital status (married, unmarried).
  • The correlation between professional burden and emotional reassurance among female teachers.

The research sample included (200) primary female teachers in Baghdad on both sides (Karkh and Rusafa), and to achieve the objectives of this research, the researcher built two scales of professional burden relied on (environmental theory) and emotional reassurance,  relied on (Maslow's theory) in constructing and interpreting the two variables, and applied The stability of the professional burden scale was (0.87) by the semi-partition method and (0.92) by the Vachronbach method, while the stability of the emotional reassurance scale was (0.72) by the half-partition method and (0.84) by the half-partition method. Wackeronbach, and after analyzing the data statistically, the current research reached the following results:

  • The current research sample has a sense of professional burden.
  • Primary stage female teachers enjoy a level of emotional reassurance.
  • There are differences in the relationship between professional performance and emotional reassurance among female teachers in favor of married women.
  • There is a correlation between the professional burden and the emotional reassurance of female teachers.

In light of the results achieved, the researcher identified a number of recommendations and proposals for subsequent research


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