Employing infographics in TV news bulletins from the point of view of those in charge of it


  • Asst.prof. Median Umran Mahmood Altimeemi


infographics, news bulletins, television, Press and media, Iraqi satellite channels.


Iraqi satellite channels are increasingly using infographics in news bulletins to convey information in an easy and visual way, providing useful and better understandable information, as the infographic technology aims to analyze data and information and convert them into charts, graphs, animations, pictures and numbers to clarify concepts and complex data in a simplified and easy-to-understand manner, as well as clarifying current events better. Infographics can be used in newsletters to clarify complex and intertwined news that is difficult to understand well when presented in a traditional manner, which contributes to obtaining a better and more accurate understanding of current events, and another important aspect of using infographics in newsletters is that it can Use it to highlight important issues that do not receive sufficient attention from the public or other media. Therefore, infographics are used with the aim of increasing public knowledge about current events and facilitating their understanding in a more accessible way, as well as enhancing awareness of important and urgent issues that need the attention of the society in general


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