Employing artificial intelligence techniques in the TV content industry


  • L. Dr. Mustafa Abbas Muhamed Ridha


artificial intelligence, television, digital content production, television production, digital technologies


The problem of the study is related to the mechanisms of employing artificial intelligence techniques in the production of television content and standing on the most prominent reasons for this employment and the number of challenges that television content makers may face in light of the existence of these technical systems whose existence has become a reality that must be realized and dealt with in the best and safest ways. It will undoubtedly achieve different levels of produced materials that are presented to the receiving audience. This study is one of the descriptive studies, through which the researcher aims to identify media experts’ assessment of the existence of these technical systems that have imposed themselves strongly, as they depend mainly on technical innovations that are now creating content With modern methods and innovative methods, and this study gained its importance in its important role in understanding the recent technical changes that contribute to changing the job form of the media profession in general and television work in particular, as the main objective of the study is to "assess the level of employment of artificial intelligence techniques in production TV Content" The study concluded that the most prominent areas of employing artificial intelligence techniques in the content industry in the news are manifested In the possibility of continuous development and keeping up with the latest technical developments. And these transformations imposed by artificial intelligence techniques in the television media environment are the change in the nature of the tasks of the person in charge of the communication process


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