The Relationship Between Perceived Authoritarian Parenting Style and Dependent Personality Disorder Symptoms: The Mediating Effect of Type-D Personality


  • Assist. L. Hanan Yousif Mousa


Authoritarian Mothers, Type D-Personality, Dependent Personality Disorder, Mediating, Symptoms.


Parenting is a complex human process because it is a key element in shaping children's behavior and determining the relationship between children and their parents. OBJECTIVES: The investigation of the moderation role of TDP on the causal relationship between Perceived Authoritarian Mothers (PAM) and DPD is the main objective of this study. METHODS: by using 180 students (110 females and 90 males) randomly selected undergraduate students from Mustansiriyah University, were recruited to respond to three sets of questionnaires namely CD-RISC-25 instrument, Parent Authority Questionnaire (PAQ). As well as the international Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE). Consequently, the regression analyses yielded the results that PAM significantly predicts DPD. RESULTS: It was discovered that TDP significantly moderates the effect of PAM on DPD. limitations and Implications of the study are discussed, and suggestions for any future research are offered.


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