Ideology and the narrator in the novels of Omar Fadlallah


  • Lecturer.Dr.Wasan Abdalsada Joda


: ideology, the narrator, Anfas Saliha, Tashreeqa al-Maghribi, Aisha's vision, Omar Fadlallah


In the research, we dealt with the term ideology in the light of examples from the novels of the Sudanese writer (Omar Fadlallah): (Anfas Saliha),(Tashreeqa al-Maghribi) and (Aisha’s Vision) after taking into account the concept that ideology is not limited to the social and historical dimensions, but rather goes beyond the psychological aspect when analyzing Human and social relations. There are five types of ideology: the ideology of dedication, the societal ideology, the religious ideology, and the political ideology. The writer has adopted the technique of the speaking narrator in the novels, the research models to create characters that depict the events of the history of Sudan from the distant past and the modern, as well as the image of the traditional narrator who tells us the details of the events of the past and the stories of the ancestors and what they suffered in their lives in order to survive and overcome the difficulties of life and deliver wisdom and admonition to a generation Children and grandchildren in order to create a better future for them and not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The effect of the narrator speaking in creating a single ideology that governs the fictional work is not hidden. This ideology comes in line with the writer’s true desire to depict the history of Sudan and defines it and showes the depth of its civilizational extension and change the stereotype that is stable in the mind about The fact that Africa is a country of jungles and monsters far from the features of civilization. The research adopts the descriptive analytical approach in studying novel models.  


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