Measuring growth in the knowledge economy for the practices of Iraqi universities


  • Assist. Prof. Angham H. Younes
  • A.L. Layla H. Sabah


growth, knowledge economy, practices, continuing education centers, Iraqi universities.


The research identifies the practices established by the centers of continuing education in Iraqi universities (Baghdad University, Mustansiriyah University, Karbala University, Tikrit University) . Among the most important problems in the centers are (technical and administrative problems) and the importance of researching the most important changes that have taken place in the practices of continuing education. One of the most important objectives is to know what practices are taking place in the centres. What is the knowledge economy, and how to change growth, the survey approach is followed and the limits of the temporal and spatial study (2019-2020-2021), in the centers of continuing education of Iraqi universities and used in research statistical methods of growth which is the law of growth (rate of change) = (subsequent year - year of foundation) / year of foundation ×100%. One of the most important results is that universities in general focused on electronic practices and the growth in the knowledge economy was reflected through participants in practices established in continuing education centers in Iraqi universities. The most important recommendations were the need to develop the technological technologies used in continuing education practices and propose modern technology and use it in the electronic practices of continuing education centers.


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