The effectiveness of a program based on the dimensions of the cognitive structure for the development of expressive performance among middle school students


  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Nassif Jassim Khader


Middle school students, expressive performance, dimensions of the cognitive, program effectiveness


Students need to have the skills of expression to be able to digress and express an idea or talk about a particular topic, the student may need to dialogue, discussion or writing smooth and coherent and has the ability to focus on the main idea and face the problems that challenge his abilities, and cognitive structure represents the content of student experiences with its interdependence, organization, differentiation and consistency in various mental activities, mental cognitive processes have a close relationship to expressive performance as they are to other forms of expression, whether mental or emotional expression related to the formation or creation of ideas. In order to increase the students' ability to expressive performance and develop them, it was necessary to implement a program based on the dimensions of the knowledge structure. To achieve this, the researcher prepared the following procedures:                                                                                                                           

  1. Constructing expressive performance test for middle school students.
  2. Prepare a program based on the dimensions of the knowledge structure to develop expressive performance among middle school students. The researcher adopted the experimental design of the pre and post tests and reached specific results that showed the effectiveness of the program.


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