Academic training for the doctorate and the identity of sociological knowledge in Iraq a study in the analysis of the content of scientific biographies for the period (1976-1990)


  • Dr. Hatem Rashid Ali


Academic training, Doctorate, Identity, Sociological knowledge, Scientific Biographies


The study seeks to identify the relationship of the academic training of the doctorate in the formation of the identity of sociological knowledge in Iraq, and the study tried to identify the most important international schools that contributed to building the academic training of Iraqi professors in the field of sociology, in addition to the knowledge of the sociological school most present in this training since the beginnings of the scholarship project in obtaining doctoral degrees in sociology. Methodology: The analysis of academic references requires a special methodological tool, which is the content analysis tool that led us to examine the introductory guide- scientific biographies of Iraqi researchers in the Department of Sociology at the University of Baghdad, which was established in (1954), within a period of time specified in the years (1976-1977/1989-1990), which are the time periods in which the professors returning from scholarship were active by (25) professors as mentioned in the introductory guide for the year (1976-1977) and by (23) professors in the introductory guide for the year (1989-1990). Results: It appeared with us in the examination and analysis of the introductory guide of Iraqi professors in the Department of Sociology at the University of Baghdad that their academic training was a global training, that is, researchers descended mostly from international references distributed among the main schools in the development of the field of sociology in the world, namely the French, German, Soviet Union (formerly), British and American schools. Conclusion: The identity of sociological knowledge in Iraq in the early academic formation seemed to be an identity largely influenced by the American school, as the introductory guide showed that professors in the Department of Sociology have academic references that came from American universities, which reflected on their research and authorial outputs.


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