Social ideology and the reality of women A field study of a sample of female students at the University of Baghdad


  • A.L. Baydaa Abdullah Abhiat


Ideology, social ideology, the reality of women, society, social change


The stereotyped image of women in Iraqi society since ancient times is that they are mothers, housewives, and dependents of men, whether they are married and dependent on men in the family, such as the father and brother, in the event that women are single. In all its aspects, in this research, I showed how women see themselves as an independent being and how society sees them through its dominant view by the social ideas rooted in the minds of young and old, and even in the minds of women themselves, before the exacerbation of social ideology, societies were innocent, although there were some The customs that limit the freedom of women and people in general, which later drew a single path for women, which was produced by the dominant customary thought in most societies.

The participation of men and women in the task of advancing social work and social life is a human nature that existed since the dawn of history and it has been being one of the foundations of healthy society. To acknowledge its humanity, if media slavery exploits its body, then ideological slavery exploits its mind and body to achieve social domination at its expense. Her tools are used to suppress him and to deepen his feeling of diminishing individuality, which is his human essence. Freedom from these social restrictions is not easy, and it becomes even more difficult when this person is a woman when she tries to get out of ideological captivity, and prove her identity as a human being who has rights and duties like any individual in society


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