Religious employment in the book of "Durar Sammat of the news al-sabt"


  • Assist. Prof. Qusae Adnan
  • Zainab Hassan Salim


Al-sabt, book Durar Sammat, Phonatory


(Religion) is an important tributary of poetry and literature, and it has been in all ages, and all nations have an important source of poetic and prose inspiration, and the matter is no longer limited to Arabic literature only, but world literature is full of many literary works whose focus is personality, or a religious topic, or those affected by religious heritage. In Europe (the Bible) was a reference for European poets, who drew from it many literary personalities and models. Victor Hugo, as (the Bible) was the main source from which European writers derived their literary works.

Our desire in this research is to know the intellectual, linguistic and literary level that Ibn Al-Abar enjoyed, and to demonstrate his ability to employ references in his poetry and literature. Writers and poets benefit from heritage as motivated by several considerations and factors, including artistic, cultural, political, social, psychological and national factors. The issue of linking to heritage is ancient and extends over the ages. It was clearly known and popularized under various formulas.

