Alienation in the Garden of Answers by the poet Hussein Al-Qasid


  • Wissam Abdul Hassan Abdul Kadhim Al-Saedi


Alienation is an old term that has been used in various parts of the world, philosophically, literary, and psychologically. Poets and writers have found a wide scope in it to express what the soul endures and suffers. Because the literary text is an experience lived by the self within an environment in which it grew up. Which made alienation a deeply rooted and renewed phenomenon. Therefore, this study came within this field in choosing the phenomenon of alienation to study the poetry collection “The Garden of Answers” by the poet Hussein Al-Qasid, who is considered one of the poets who rebelled against systems and restrictions until it became part of his diaries. Therefore, this phenomenon was clear and evident in his poetry, as a result of the influences of authority, customs, and the values of a society with its psychological and dynamic factors

