the emotional obsession in forming sensory descriptors in Imru,AlQys commentry (Another Reading)


  • Dr. Sundus Kassem Abdullah


Undoubtedly, Imru' Alqays' Muallaqa gained the intensive attention of those who are interested in the pre-Islamic poetry at the different literary, critical and academic levels. There were different readings for that Muallaqa from various perspectives. Here lies the importance of this research which is regarded as one of the several readings that aim at discovering new additions for those studies. The current research aims at presenting a new reading which may help answering some questions which have been of concern to the researchers or the readers. Such questions include the reason of saying the Muallaqa, it's time, topics and the arrangement of its lines. The research tried to follow the reading style to reach new data based on the interpretation of various kinds of evidence. The layout of the research includes an introduction which presents clarifications of the title and the reasons behind saying that poem. The research falls into two sections. The first focuses on the objective obsession of Almuallaqat topics. The second has to do with the literary obsession which led the poet to make his poem as it is. It is worth mentioning that this is not a final reading of the poem and it has not included it all. It is only an attempt to start a new view of reading the pre-Islamic poetry. It may be a starting point for those who aim at discovering what is new.

