Violence in children television programs an analytical study of programs MBC 3 satellite channel


  • Nahlaa Abdel Razzaq Abdel Khaliq


Television plays a dangerous role in inciting children to violence by showing cartoon films filled with scenes of violence, as well as some dangerous movements that encourage violence and the use of force. This pushes children to imitate the characters of these films because they tend to imitate others.

The research problem lies in a main question: Is violence actually present in children’s programs on MBC 3? Several sub-questions branch out from this question.

1- Do MBC 3 programs show programs that contain violent scenes?

2- What are the forms of violence in children’s programs? What are the most visible forms of violence?

The importance of the research lies in the growing phenomenon of violence in children’s programs, which has begun to spread and become part of children’s behavior. The research also leads us to:

Revealing the presence of violence in children’s programs and its most important manifestations, and trying to provide solutions to the phenomenon of violence that is presented on television programs and negatively affects their behavior.

This research is considered descriptive research, as the researcher used the survey method to achieve the desired results in identifying violence in children’s programs, its forms, and methods, based on the method of content analysis.

As for the Hidd community, it selected all MBC 3 satellite channel programs for children for a period of three months (a comprehensive inventory sample) in order to reach accurate results.

The most prominent results reached by the researcher are:

1- The MBC 3 channel dedicated to children broadcasts content that contains scenes of verbal, actual or physical violence.

2- Programs that do not contain scenes of violence do not show any lofty values, principles, or values

3 - The programs broadcast on MBC 3 are imported internationally and are not produced by MBC 3 and children’s institutions.

