Drugs between reality and academic study after 2003


  • Mohamed Jamel Ahmed
  • .Sabah Sadam Jueaed


The spread of drugs is a recent phenomenon in Iraq, and although there is much evidence confirming that they existed, but in a limited manner, during the specified period between the years 1964 to 1968, it was not a phenomenon that constituted a danger to society, and at that time the modern types that It poses a threat to the economy and health, as it was limited at that time to very limited types, and could be limited to cannabis only. However, after the year 2003, the phenomenon spread significantly, as many convicts and those against whom judicial rulings were taken were placed in Iraqi prisons, as well as The phenomenon of hospital treatment for addicts has become apparent. The phenomenon is limited to two main parts: the first is society in general and the second is the users, promoters or traffickers. The last two categories fall into the same category because they deal directly with drugs, which has led to the expansion of the spread of the phenomenon for more than one reason in society. The means of communication and culture Modernity, the ease of movement between countries, and society’s acceptance of incoming cultures. All of this led, along with multiple other factors, to the acceptance of new types that were considered socially prohibited in the past. On the other hand, the other direct factor for the spread are smuggling gangs, and the other direct factor for the presence of harm and the exacerbation of drug harm are addicts. Drugs, so this research was directed in two directions: first, researching societal cultureWhat happened after the year 2003 and its relationship to the spread of drugs and the other trend, he studied the way researchers dealt with arriving at the facts with which we can deal with this phenomenon. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research was represented by the academic side, then the fourth party was to uncover the phenomenon, limit its spread, and find the most important means to treat it. .

