The phenomenon of drug addiction ( psychological and social dimensions and ways to treat them)


  • Suzan salim Dawood
  • Rafal Emad Ibrahim


A designed definition includes that it is a substance that is grow  naturally or is influenced in a laboratory and, when taken, causes a change in the chemistry of the brain as a result of an increase in the transmitters it removes from sugar, such as dopamine and adrenaline, which causes sugar to be euphoric with accompanying symptoms that produce calmness and relaxation or increased alertness and activity, and is reflected in the form of the psychological and physical damage of the product that speaks About the long term.His success in using narcotic substances led to the recognition of their role in producing these deep transmitters, and thus the body stops producing them effectively. The drug is an entire hub that he cannot live without, naturally, and therefore any attempt to stop it. The body is strong in the drug and the beneficial symptoms, which forces him to return to abuse. This is known as addiction, which results in health damage and criminal behavior that harms the family and society

