The Dominance of Dissipation in the Self and the Centrality of the Other in Ibn al-Hajjaj: A Study in Cultural Patterns


  • Iftikhar Ismael
  • Altyyed Mohammed Ghazi


Within his poetic compositions, Ibn al-Hajjaj adeptly employs an array of rhetorical conventions, with particular prominence accorded to the thematic pattern of entreating through verse and leveraging it as a means of seeking refuge. This rhetorical strategy serves as a vehicle through which he presents two divergent facets of self-representation. The first is intricately intertwined with the act of begging, portraying the poet in a state of compromised dignity, perceived as trivial and possessing diminished status. Conversely, the second facet is associated with seeking refuge and employing the tactic of threat through satirical expression. In this alternative representation, his persona manifests as the epitome of masculinity, characterized by narcissism, disdain for others, and a propensity for denigration. This denigration is directed indiscriminately, whether towards individuals adhering to a different religious creed or dissenting sect, those obscured in societal recognition or those of prominent stature, individuals with impairments or those emanating from disparate socio-cultural backgrounds. Nonetheless, he consistently distinguishes himself from contemporaneous poets through an exaggerated fervor in both his supplication and recourse to satirical tactics.

The crux of significance lies in his distinctive rhetorical duality, which is notably pronounced. When addressing higher societal strata, he descends precipitously, potentially exhibiting a pathologically inclined self-deprecation. This manifests through the systematic dissipation of his own intrinsic worth, wherein he persistently articulates sentiments of profound insignificance, projecting an image entirely devoid of value, dignity, and human essence. Noteworthy instances involve a transcendence of self-portrayal as a human devoid of worth when addressing those esteemed, veering into comparisons with animals such as dogs, tigers, or even monkeys. Conversely, when engaging with the lower societal tiers, he reinforces his stance through the strategic deployment of poetic prowess and accrued popularity, concurrently diminishing others to the status of dogs and monkeys.

