Anxiety in Modern Iraqi poetry


  • Suhair Salih Ali


Worrying is an important concept or a problem when it comes to the Arabic contemporary poetry. There are different aspects to this problem as a result to the various kinds of political, social and – without doubt – personal pressure which we face and struggle with constantly. This suffering is expressed by the modern Arab poets; considering the fact that they are parts and spokesmen of this issue. This research tackles issues like tension, hallucination, obsession and other mental issues through reasoning analysis. It is a very vital and dynamic topic that deserves research by focusing on the poetic symbols and images presented and written by contemporary Arab poets.

The psychological factors are not considered minor or of secondary importance, on the contrary, they are regarded as the essence of the poet`s struggle to express his inner turmoil ; the turmoil that is part of his pursuit to prove his identity, fight his demons , heal his personal wounds, and leave an everlasting imprint . The mental problems – in all their types- are a very vital topic that needs constant discussion due to its attachment and association to all of our everyday wars and confrontations.

