Counseling help- Seek and its relationship to mental health literacy


  • Anwar Badr Youssef Al-Rujabi


When a person is exposed to any problem related to his life, he often "resorts to a behavior of seeking help that will get rid of that problem, When the subject is related to his mental health, he often "resort to psychological counseling and mental health centers that will enable him to overcome this problem through the information that will form his awareness of mental health and his mental health literacy.On this basis, the current research started from the hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between the variable of counseling help- Seek  and mental health literacy, which required translating Help- Seek Scale and developing Mental Health Literacy Scale, then their psychometric properties were verified and applied to a sample of University students and came out with the results that supported the validity of this hypothesis, and then a set of recommendations and suggestions were developed in light of that

