Companions in Armenia


  • Mohammad Khudhair Abbas Al- Jailawi


The chosen companions of the Messenger of God were the best of this nation in terms of knowledge and action, and the most righteous of hearts.

The Prophet's School was the greatest school and university for education known to humanity, and it included a group of honorable companions. So these people achieved the trust that they enjoyed with the prophet in all circumstances and at any value, and they proved that they are in every invasion and in every danger, whether they were from the Ansar or from the immigrants. So the Companions endured the great calamity that the lofty mountains endured, so they sacrificed in the way of God life and precious things, children and wealth, and they were patient with the alienation and enmity of the near and far, and their effort reached what God wished it to reach.

In view of the expansion of the Islamic state and the conquests made by the Companions and the dissemination of the Islamic call in the Levant, Iran and Azerbaijan, they wanted to protect the borders of this state from the enemies and secure its borders. Because the Muslims' control over this protective shield, which is: Armenia, will make it easier for the Muslims to dismember the Byzantine Empire and penetrate its depths. Therefore, it was necessary to annex Armenia to the young Islamic state, so the Muslims realized what they had planned for, and it was annexed to the Islamic state.

The process of conquest of Armenia was not an easy and accessible process for the Companions, as it cost them a lot of sacrifices, time, trouble, and money, so they invaded and prevailed, and after that they were condemned to the Persian princes and the Caesars.

