Historical Reading in The Development


  • kamela Taleb


The development of the Islamic systems of the Arab Islamic State is regarded as an evidence for the culture of the Islamic society and the splendor of its civilization. Among the systems which were developed in the Islamic State is the system of hejaba (chamberlainship). The hajeb (chamberlain) is the man who stands at the door leading to the sultan or the caliph or the judge. He represents the secretary in our present time in the East; but in the Maghreb, the role of the chamberlain has become very important. The chamberlain has rendered one of the top posts in the state, immediately below the post of the caliph or the prince and is similar to the post of the Prime Minister in our present time.

       As per the most important characteristics of the chamberlain, it is essential that he should have a strong body and he must be just; he should have an effective voice and a great proficiency in the Arabic language; he should be honest and familiar with the limits set by Allah; he should keep up the secrets of the caliph and the state.

