Financial expenditures for the construction of Madinat al-Zahra iAndalusia (325-341H / 936-952)


  • Rasha Hasan Zghalr Alsaedl


     This research explores the expenditures spent by the Umayyad caliphs in Andalusia, and the two caliphs are, Al-Nasir Li Din Allah and Al-Mustansir Billah, when building the city of Al-Zahra to be the capital of their state, and the amount of money that was taken from the treasury in order to build a city to be the seat of Islamic rule. This city was described as very beautiful and splendid. The king built in it palaces of princes and houses of ministers and members of the ruling class, then he began to attract the common people by constructing houses in order to live in this city. The caliphs gave money to build houses, settle in them, and place all the defensive means in order to achieve safety.

