American support for Israel and its repercussions on Iraq 1948-1974


  • Suher Fadhel Hana
  • Itlal salem Hana


The relationship between "Israel" and the United States of America was built on a solid foundation since its declaration of the state in 1947, and it is still advancing. Hence, we find that the reality of the alliance reflects the results of half a century of special relations between them, which led to the conviction of the American administration to allow "Israel to implement what it sees because it knows best." With its interests in the Middle East region, just as the United States of America realizes that its interests in the region are preserved and achieved when "Israel" enjoys complete freedom and the ability to threaten and deter the Arabs, led by Iraq, and from here we aim to clarify that support since the outbreak of the Arab-Israeli war 1948 until the end of the US President Richard Nixon's term in office in 1974.

Israel remained the first and most important supporter of the United States of America in the Middle East, and in the event of a threat to its interests, especially oil, it takes its role in standing against it, as this relationship was manifested in forms of cooperation in the various economic, military and diplomatic fields.

The interests of the United States of America in Iraq were represented in controlling its oil, so it always interfered in Iraq's internal affairs and created arguments to control it and penetrate the components of its society to be used as a pressure card on successive Iraqi governments to stir up disputes and chaos.

