The intellectual and political impact of the Buratha Jami Mosque in Baghdad in the Abbasid era(313-450 AH / 925-1058 AD)


  • Haidar Shamkhi Jaber Asadi
  • Ghassan Hadi Zaghir


The university mosques have had a great impact on the history of the Islamic State, including the Jami’ Mosque of Baratha, which was founded during the caliphate of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, after his return from the Nahrawan War in (38 AH/658 AD) with the Kharijites. Its status rose until it became the religious and scientific center for the followers of the Shiite sect of Ahl al-Bayt. The Imami in Baghdad towards the Shiite Karkh, who were subjected to a lot of injustice and persecution from the Hanbalis and the Abbasid authority, the results of which were the loss of many lives and money in exchange for clear bias with their enemies, which resulted in a state of sectarian discrimination in the capital of the Caliphate, which was the first result of the Abbasid authority adopting one sect and abolishing all other sects. Forcedly, this was from the encouragement of the Seljuk Ghaznavids for the Abbasid Caliphate. Baghdad wore the Hanbali robe during the caliphate of Al-Qadir Billah and declared mourning for all Islamic sects and took repentance from them on one sect, which is the policy of the official sect of the state. This policy had a great impact on the masses of the city, which were colored in colors that did not resemble the colors of the solar spectrum. She wears the clothes of every ruler who rules her, regardless of the color of that dress.

