The Iraqi public’s preferences for satellite channels in following up on the storming of the Gaza Strip settlements and their aftermath.


  • Ghalib K. Chyad Al-Daami


The research addresses the preferences of the Iraqi public in following satellite channels in their coverage of Gaza events and the reasons for those preferences related to the channels, programs, and experts who appear on those satellite channels that represent a preference for the Iraqi public.

The researcher presented a main question: What are the preferences of the Iraqi public for satellite channels in obtaining information regarding the storming of the settlements around the Gaza Strip?

Several other sub-questions branched out from this question, as follows:

1- Which satellite channels do you watch most often to obtain information about the events surrounding the Gaza Strip?

2- What are the reasons for your preference in choosing one channel over another?

The research reached a number of results, including that the Iraqi public prefers to follow Arab channels over local channels. Al-Jazeera Channel came in first place as a channel followed by the Iraqi public, followed by Al-Sharqiya Channel, then Al-Iraqia and Al-Hadath channels.

