Muhammad according to Of Divine Justice The concept




In this research, we try to understand the concept of divine justice according to Muhammad Hussein Tabatabai (1321 AH 1402 AH), a scholar and diligent who was distinguished by his knowledge and diligence in the rational and traditional sciences. He also had extensive knowledge in literary and poetic fields. He gave the topic of justice great importance because it is the second principle that Monotheism stems from God and its connection to other principles of religion Kanawa, Imamate, and Resurrection...and justice is one of the attributes inherent in itself, so it is one of the inherent, affirming attributes. God Almighty is just in Himself, and actual justice is manifestations of Beauty, self-justice, the divine nature of names and attributes. In the topic of justice, he presents a number of concepts related to justice, including goodness and badness. He also talks about the concepts of providence, predestination, and destiny, as they are among the Qur’anic axioms and levels of God Almighty’s knowledge. We find him adopting the Imamiya approach to them in the issue of (reward and delegation), saying: “There is neither reward nor delegation, but a matter between the two commandments,” rejecting Ala’s position on the Ash’ari (the confused) and the Mu’tazilites (the delegated). He believes that God Almighty is exalted even if injustice or deficiency is added to him God's oppression of evil represents a nihilistic aspect and is specific to the material world. - As for the issue of obligation, he rejects the saying of the Mu’tazilites: “They were definitely revealed.” It is upon God Almighty to do what is best, and we see before me the Mu’tazilites of Husain who went to the view that it is not permissible to be obligated to do so. In a way that cannot be surpassed by reason, contrary to the saying of the Ash’aris, who permitted it to be rational. Therefore, the result of the sign in the tribulation of action is that He says that God Almighty is just, not unjust to anyone by his kindness, and justice is His name, the Almighty, and it is the head of the virtues that govern the actions of the Prophet and their relationship with God Almighty.

