Beauty modeling: An anthropological study in beauty centers in the Karrada region


  • Abdel Wahab Khazaal Abdel Baqi


Women seek to highlight their virtues by adornment and wearing all kinds of jewelry and beautiful clothing, and history reminds us throughout the ages and ages of how women used to adorn themselves, starting with using the teeth of dead animals as necklaces with which to adorn their jewelry, and ending with many of the clothes that they obtained from animal skins, and other materials. Nature's products. Women have been known for a long time to use many natural materials to decorate the face, such as kohl for the eyelids and extracts of the "St. Hassan" or "Belladonna" plant to dilate the pupils. To give them beauty and beauty, as well as to perfume and use many natural plant extracts, such as perfumes, and to moisturize the skin of the face and body. To give it a touch of beauty, elegance and vitality

