Value shifts in light of the corona pandemic


  • ream mohsen abd alsada


The research seeks to know the value transformations in light of the Corona pandemic, including Iraqi society, due to what is distinguished by its adherence to values ​​in their daily lives. But when the pandemic unleashed, the scales of Iraqi society were turned, and their way of living under these circumstances became difficult, especially for the poor and marginalized classes. In the first section, the research dealt with concepts and terms, the most important of which are values, social change, and the pandemic. The second topic dealt with the value-based importance of the individual and society and the importance of cohesion and organic solidarity. The most important manifestation that appeared during the pandemic period was quarantine, which was considered a bridge to the culture of the values ​​of precaution and solidarity and an expression of a new societal practice. Distance education appeared instead of in-person education and the use of modern technology with new applications via platforms for professors. Students, as well as individuals working in the public and private sectors, practice their work at home through the use of modern technologies. Social relationships and behaviors were affected in light of the pandemic, as social distancing and the ban led to a reduction in social meetings, a change in interaction patterns, and a greater need to use social networking sites. Iraqi society witnessed notable value shifts, as awareness of the importance of public health and taking preventive measures increased, and the values ​​of steadfastness and solidarity to confront it emerged. Challenges: The need to focus on family and social communication has also increased, and many individuals prefer to stay at home. The role of the Iraqi Ministry of Public Health was effective in raising the morale of patients by comforting patients in order to raise morale, according to the role of the White Army, which made outstanding sacrifices and efforts in confronting this disease. They had a great impact in providing health care and saving lives, and they participated in burying bodies in cemeteries. Especially for those who died from this disease. In addition, doctors and nurses participated in awareness and educational campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of following preventive measures and social distancing to limit the spread of this pandemic. The research also addressed some changes in social priorities and concepts to suit the new circumstances

