قيم التنشئة الاجتماعية في الصحف العراقية الالكترونية (دراسة تحليلية )


  • نادية ناجي غدير
  • سعد كاظم حسن


The research aims to reveal the values of socialization in Iraqi electronic
newspapers and their relationship in shaping the public’s attitudes toward political and security issues and the extent of their effectiveness in forming these attitudes.
The research adopted the survey method, the descriptive to answer the questions
of the study and the analytical to test the hypotheses of the study, using the sample
survey method in regards to content survey.

     The journalistic arts that dealt with topics of socialization values varied between
news, columns, articles, press reports, and came in varying proportions, most notably
the article and column.

    This research is considered one of the descriptive-survey researches of journalistic arts that sought to know the proportions of socialization values in the Iraqi electronic press in regards to political and security issues, the extent to which each type of newspaper representing the sample influences the way in which journalistic content is presented and the extent of its commitment to those values.

