The Nabataeans in the Arab-Islamic sources during the fifth century AH/the eleventh century, a bibliographic study


  • Jawad Kazem al-badhani


There is no doubt that the Arab-Islamic sources that talked about Nabataeans in the fifth century AH / tenth century AD are indispensable works for researchers who dealt with the demographic composition of Iraq in this important historical era, or for scholars in other fields of knowledge. They are an attempt to uncover our history, which is full of civilizational sophistication in addition to the coexistence between its components. Because this historical study talked about the Nabataeans according to what was reported to us by Arab sources, we relied on the texts found in Arabic works in reading it, and the news and narratives that dealt with the history of this people. It is no secret that this study gains its importance because it deals with the roots and origins of the Nabataeans, what was said about them, and their role in the advancement and development of Islamic civilization.

     It serves as a bibliography of the history of the Nabataeans, their heritage, and the news and facts recorded about them in Arabic works in various fields of knowledge during the third fifth century AH / tenth century AD. Without a doubt, these studies establish for the researcher a knowledge database that simulates the developments in the social and cultural structure of Iraq’s history and its demographic composition across the world. Its history.

