Ethiopia's role in the Somali issue after the collapse of the state


  • Sudad Kahdum Mahdi


The subject of Ethiopia's role in the Somali issue since the collapse of the state in 1992 to the Ethiopian-American war on Somalia in 2006 deals with an important aspect of the history of relations between the two neighboring countries that have known since the independence of Somalia in 1960. Several wars occurred and the predominance in favor of Ethiopia, whose interests derive from political and security perspectives by virtue of the pivotal position occupied by Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa region. so after the collapse of the state, the rule of chaos and civil war in Somalia, Ethiopia aimed to confirm its regional role in a manner consistent with its interests By escalating the civil war, preventing the formation of any  not loyal Somali government, and agreeing to military intervention in Somalia on behalf of America in order to secure American and Ethiopian security and economic interests in the region under the justification of fighting terrorism

