Youth wasting in Iraqi society Loss of consciousness, energies and belonging: Psychological-social analysis


  • M. Dr. Athraa Sliwa Raffo



Marginalization, youth, waste of consciousness and energies


The researcher conducted this research to address the two main pillars of the trichotomy: wasting awareness, energies and competencies, focusing on the situation of Iraqi youth precisely because it is the most vulnerable to waste on this level. Conspicuous waste of consciousness with the waste of thought and completeness. The aim of the general waste of awareness, and specifically the awareness of Iraqi youth to the blindness of visions, and thus prevents them from seeing what they are, and what they should be. The waste of energies, especially the young scientific competencies, is a total waste of the potential of Iraqi society and its future strategic balance, which is the basis of its development. Disregarding Iraqi youth from participating in self-determination issues is one of the most important elements of their existential destitution in society.

Young people are marginalized from the issues of their nation and country. Young people are deprived of having a national cause that fills their lives. Or leave young people in the existential vacuum and the life of the blindness as a result of marginalization from the general issues that concern the Iraqi society, which is exacerbated by the waste of energy and efficiency. This puts him at risk of indiscriminate eruptions of violence or of the temptations of fundamentalist movements, in which his self-existence is full of issues that give him a condescending, cosmopolitan character.





