The role of sport media in improving the performance of Premier League players in Volleyball


  • Alaa Muhsun Yasir
  • Qasim Hanoon Qasim



sport media, Volleyball


The modern technological developments Influenced the events of a great revolution at the level of the media and especially the sports media, which can achieve significant effects on the level of individuals and sports organizations, which makes it a real social force, so the sports media has become an important information as it relates to a large audience at one time. You can now reach every place in the world almost, and this is reflected positively on the sports movement in various countries, including Iraq, especially after the 2003 .The establishment of media sports coverage of sporting events and championships in various classifications that are held at home or abroad. That had a major role to push athletes keeping up with modern developments in various games and provide them side of knowledge through the content of the programs offered by the TV or threads, which are published in newspapers and websites. Also   influencing the performance of the players and their behavior and way of life, in addition to determining the weakness points and find  the  solutions to them.The importance of this research is because of the paucity of studies or research on the relationship between the media and sports in Iraq, and that the choice of research topic "came to being a new subject that has never been dealt with this game in the media after it was a limited research and studies in the media only on the game of football which is the most popular sport in the world.The research found the following results: that the sports media has a role in Upgrade the performance of the players and the league to raise their levels also contribute to create a competitive atmosphere among league teams, leading to increase the morale of the players to win the positive results.





