State of south Africa . its establishment and development


  • Dr .Suhair Awad Auob



African National Congress


This study aimed at expanding African Studies in the Arabic countries,  especially for the most important country such as South Africa and several others yes indeed , such studies  were and still very scarce.

 in to five topics : the location of this country within the   African Continent and the classification of the population  groups . We focused also at the history of Dutch and British settlement in South Africa and the discovery of mineral and other natural resources and their exploitation by those colonists who took full control of the country.

We also discussed in this study a very important issue which is related to the introduction  for the first time   of the white minority in this country and the formation of the first Union in 1910 after the full control of the reins of power at 1948 the date of the control of the National party under the leadership of Daniel Malan followed by the adoption and the proclamation of the Racial Discrimination in the country

we discussed also the first Black political movement in South Africa (1882-1912)who passed through several difficult stages the most important one was under  the African National Congress, who declare that its main aim is to defend their rights of the legitimate national interests in their co





