The extent to which principals of transparency in the management apply to high school principals


  • munatha Abdul-Zah r mahisn



Application, transparency, management, principals


problem of research is the need for educational institutions to     confront new data imposed by changing circumstances in all spheres f life. Administrative leaders must keep pace with change and development in their administrative behavior in order to implement the concept of administrative transparency in the management of their institutions and the processes of these changes. The power and influence prevailing in the old administrative system, and to make fundamental changes in the prevailing administrative approaches, there is no longer a place for closed and non-transparent administration in their educational institutions. . The importance of administrative transparency is one of the modern administrative concepts developed in the administrative literature, which in one aspect addresses the moral dimension of management, which is a prerequisite for successful management as it contributes to the development of administrative organizations and leads them to face the latest developments and rapid changes in the world as it tries to address many problems Which face the educational leaders in their senses As well as what has been exposed to the theoretical concepts of the concept of administrative transparency and the results of this research findings and conclusions that help to raise such important and necessary topics. The purpose of the research is to identify the extent of implementation of the principle of administrative transparency of secondary school principals from the perspective of teachers and teachers

The study identifies the teachers and teachers who work in secondary schools, the six principalities in Baghdad governorate, which are (39835) individuals for the academic year (2015-2016). The researcher identified a set of terms related to the research and a presentation of the literary topics in the theoretical aspect related to the subject and A collection of studies on the subject of research A sample of 400 individuals (1,004%) was obtained from the research community. The researcher constructed a research tool by looking at the literature and previous studies, as well as the open question. The honesty and stability of the instrument was done. It then developed a set of conclusions

s:Apply transparency management administrators





