The Karim and their influence in Spreading lslam in Africa During Mamluk age


  • Dr. Anwar Jasim Hassan Al – Anbaki



The kairm, Africa, Mumiluk


The appearance of kairm Merchants was not during Mamluk age , but in fact, their appearance stsrted during Fatimid age and then the group developed id age . Their activities had reached its climax during Mamluk era during ayyobd when they monopolized spices trade for tow or more centuries . Mamluk state has benefited from this class of merchants as it was one of the main sources reson, has supported their trade and of wealth for the state, which for this legislated many laws to protect the mentioned class. Karim Merchants has played a significant role in spreading lslam in Africa willingly and not by force or violence. They were, in fact, able to attract many people through their good behavior and honesty, specially with African respect to commercial dealings. Their influence in the mentioned region was not limited to spreading lslam only, but extended to include the commonness in Africa and the farthest west of many of lslamic and Arabic influential Sudan states which appeared in using Arabic as the official language and adaptation of Arabic ruling and administration systems in their organizations and estabishments. Le in consolidation and The karim Merchants has also played an important or strengthen the diplomatic relationships between Mamluk state and African states, and particularly with west Sudan states,west Africa and Abyssinia, and so, the Mamluk state has received many embassies from African states aiming to attend and focus on diplomatic, cultural and social which was affairs. The Trade activity and settlement of Karim Merchants in African countries has resulted in strengthen and consolidation of social relations between Egypt and Merchants has married to Africans and stayed these countries, as many of there .





