The Religious Parties in Egypt and thier Effect on the Political situation from (1981 to 1991)


  • Ahmed Majid abdoil-Razzaq



الدينية, في, مصر, الاحزاب


The first part the study deals with the moslem brotherhood, their intellectual views and goals, while the second part tackles the original views of Altakfeer wal-hijra group and their political activities. The third part, however, touches upon the organization Al-Jihad Al-Islami and their intellectual impact on the situation in egypt.In part four of this research, the researcher discusses the effect of the islamic parties on the political situationm in Egypt as well as their relations with the authority.This study concludes with anumber of findings.Of which, the researcher mentions the following:-Al-Sadat ordered the release of religious-oriented prisoners, decpite the fact that his predecessor Abdel-Nasser had ordered them to be imrisoned.But later on, the released and the religiousgroup asoired for alot more freedom. Therefore, they began to demonstrate and stir up the religious and national sentiment of the people. As for president Mubarak, he attempled to contain them by granting them some freedom, especially freedom of the press. But this did not last long as these religious groups followed acourse of violence:Therefor , they launched some assaults on police- stations and state installations. These islamist groups reached a deadlock in their confrontation with the authorities in the era during which president Mubarak ruled Egypt. This, however, is being tackled in some detail within the period extending from 1981 up to





