Concern cognitive perception at Mustansiriya University Students


  • Assistant professor Dr. Amel Ismael Ayyez
  • Haifa Abdul Hassan Ali



Represents students at all levels of study of the educational process axis and the basis of its existence, and the problems they And the problems they found during their school reflect negatively on their personalities , and there are many students worry they feature show through their behavior during college , and this attribute is sometimes reflected in the behavior represented by the difficulty of compatibility with others and impaired ability to perform in many situations , leading to their failure in school often , and confirms Beck (2000) concern that cognitive perception adversely affect the students thinking and makes them feel powerless to exercise creativity and roles required of them.Therefore, the current research was targeted:1. Measuring concern cognitive perception among Mustansiriya university students.2. Recognize the significance differences in cognitive perception concern depending on the variables of sex (male, female) and specialization (scientific, humane ) .To achieve the objectives of the research have carried researchers Building measureof concern cognitive perception among university students and which were adopted in the building on Kelly's theory, and consists of the scale of the (42) paragraph worded manner declarative phrases and in front of each paragraph five alternatives (applies to a very large extent, apply to the extent large, apply to moderately, apply to a limited extent, does not apply to quite) given to them when the patch (5.4, 3, 2.1) and vice paragraphs negative, and realized they mention researchers from the discriminatory power of the paragraphs of the scale and correlation paragraph college class of scale by applying measure on (400) students from the University of Mustansiriya chosen style class random And achieved researchers from the sincerity scale extraction of virtual honesty of scale by offering paragraphs scale on (15) an expert specializing in personal and psychological measurement , as well as the veracity of construction through discriminatory power indicators for paragraphs and link paragraph transactions college degree of the scale , and as a result the scale became consists of (42 ) paragraph researchers and check the stability of the scale in two ways equation Hewitt reached reliability coefficient ( 0.88 ) , and in a manner Cronbach alpha equation stood reliability coefficient ( 0.87 ) Through a sample stability amounting degrees ( 200 ) students were chosen style class random from the Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, specialization of scientific and Faculty of Arts Department of Arabic Language to specialize human , half of whom are male and the other half of the female , has been applied standard on basic research sample the ( 400 ) students from the University of Mustansiriya chosen style class random according to the variables of sex, specialty, and the use of the bag Statistical social Sciences SPSS, the results showed the following:1. Mustansiriya University students do not have the cognitive perception concern.2. There were no statistically significant differences in cognitive perception and concern according to the variables of sex and specialization and bilateral interactions.In light of the search results recommends researchers several recommendations, including the need to activate and strengthen the positive scientific relationship between the student and teaching at the university in order to teaching recognizes the personal student attributes and problems they face in their university, and a continuation of the current research researchers suggested that several other studies reinforce this study to determine patterns of characters which is characterized by the students before they enter university, and its relationship to cognitive perception concerned with other samples of students in junior high stage that precedes Undergraduate teaching in order to be able to specify how to deal with foreign students to the university and to develop the knowledge their abilities without worry.





