Confidentiality and its relationship to personality vigilance among university students


  • O.m.d. Amal Ismail Hussein



Confidentiality, University students, Personal vigilance


Secretariat has an obligation to save it from Istoda including came by Islamic law. There is no doubt that everyone own secrets that careful not to inform third parties which he may or compromised secrets and privacy. And people mix with each other, each other and lead to some of what may be a secret, and that of betrayal that one mistrusted the mystery Iveah and publish In this regard, Al-Ghazali points out that "the disclosure of the secret betrayal" and the importance of confidentiality to Atguetsraly secrets of the individual and personal secrets of others that seen it or entrusted from them, but there are more than side must conceal secret, such as the political and economic side of security and military side and perhaps the latter the most important aspect of confidentiality because the enemy takes advantage of information disclosures quickly and harm to others. Therefore, people attentive they are more inclined to keep their secrets and not to talk feelings and thoughts of others is also an important factor vigilant person in the process of decision-making because individuals who fail to take the right decision are not being vigilant enough and needed in life situations so targeted research to identify: -1. confidentiality among university students. . 2-confidentiality among university students, depending on the variables of sex (male -anat) and specialization (scientific -ansan).. Personal vigilance among university students.3-. 4-Personal vigilance among university students, depending on the variables of sex (male-female) and specialization (scientific humanist).. 5-The relationship between relational confidentiality and personal vigilance among university students.And identifies current research students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Mustansiriya initial studies / Morning and both sexes and both majors for the academic year (2013-2014) and the findings of the research and the existence of confidentiality among university students in general, but in males was higher than females, and not there is a difference between each of the students in the scientific specialization and students of specialization in human confidentiality. As for personal vigilance, the results showed that university students have personal vigilance both for sex or specialty. Therefore Find some of the recommendations and proposals came out 





