Mental metaphor - reading in the origins and relationships Applied Research in the Holy Quran Aye


  • Falah Hassan Kataa



Is the rhetoric of Arab art, authentic, standing recipient attributes shall taste of Arabic, and stages of maturity based on the pairing produced between instinct and vulnerability to the logical things, There is no doubt in the deep impact of the Koran in the maturity of Arabic rhetoric, as received by the change and development Quranic aspects of the Arab Creativity in general, Venhlt rhetoric of the multimedia stream, including the generous side of a cognitive nature philosophical Shad built as a religious philosophical thinking a natural outgrowth of Islam. Perhaps the metaphor of mental more capable of ĂÝÜÜÇäÜÜíÜÜä Rhetoric other evacuation, it must be recognized that the logic and philosophy had an impact in production, the Arab and Muslim world, however, that it has reached in some of the aspects to a penchant for excessive heavily on the theory and application, making them must be trimmed down those those which fractured back her glasses, this research crawl on the road to re-read Arabic rhetoric using tasting the Quranic text and discuss the underpinnings of theory in heritage, came to search according to the method historic appeared in the adoption of the texts of the scholars, as well as technical approach, which is in the analysis and guidance, came T. study in two sections, the first of which radicalized me theoretical effort in the door of mental metaphor and discuss the views of scientists, concluded that the other section to discuss the division of mental metaphor and its relations with a Study of the feature applied, then the answer came to a conclusion the most important results have shown, preceded by a statement margins. The ship, this research service envisages modest book-Aziz, and the continuation of an active search for meaning





