The level of reading comprehension in reading material among middle school students


  • Assi. Amna Amer Abdulla



Reading Comprehension, Reading material, Middle School Students


The current research aims to study the Reading Comprehension level in reading material at the middle school students.In order to achieve this goal researcher experiment applied to a sample of 400 students, of which 200 male students and 200 female students. It has been chosen randomly distributed cluster (4) middle schools.The search tool Vthakiqa to research objectives adopted researcher scale (Kaabi Hossein 2015) to understand reading a gauge measures the level of Reading Comprehension for students and consisted scale of 40 items, and adopted the five alternatives to answer it, namely, (it applies to a very large extent, apply to a large degree, apply moderately, apply to a low degree, does not apply to never), although the approximate time to answer on the scale ranged between (25-30) minutes. After the application of the scale on the sample was statistical analysis of the paragraphs of the scale and expense of the extent of the internal consistency of its paragraphs, and characteristics Alsekoumtrah the scale of validity and reliability.The results indicated that the students have a grasp of my readers, which is located within the educational level, and the reason is due to the procedures followed in the teaching has enabled students from the positive and deep interaction with the reading text so sought each student to try to invest what he has information and knowledge stored in the knowledge of its environment, the results also showed that the difference in Reading comprehension depending on the sex variable statistically significant, in favor of females. Can be attributed to males differ from the females in Reading Comprehension, to Tvautem in response to the attitudes and events and the ability to read and understand the proper link.So the researcher recommended the necessity of Reading Comprehension development of the students by the family, first and second educators, conducting competitions are encouraged to read properly and the concept.





