Rumors and The fall of the City of Mosul A Study in the Types of Rumors that Accompanied the fall of the City and the Government’s Measures to Refute Them


  • Assistant Professor, Dr. luuai Majeed Hassan



the fall of Mosul, rumors, psychological warfare


The city of Mosul (450 km north of Baghdad) witnessed, on the 10th of June 2014, historical developments, as it fell at the hands of invading forces, called Daash. The fall of the city was accompanied by the spread of many and various rumors launched by the terrorist organization as well as many satellite channels, which are loyal to the organization and supporting it, participated in broadcasting the rumors . This caused panic and fear among members of the Iraqi security forces who have left their weapons and fled in a state of collapsed morale, especially after the invading forces managed to occupy several cities in a matter of hours and a few days. Rumors have played an important role in the marketing of the power of Daash terrorist organization and facilitated the delivery of the towns and villages to the invading forces by the security forces, which pulled out without a fight. In this paper, I will examine the types of rumors that have spread, and the atmosphere which helped to spread them at such speed, and what government’s measures and those of the official institutions and religious schools of thoughts towards these rumors. The research is divided into several themes, first, rumors: their definitions and types. Second, political, social and economic realities in Iraq before the fall of Mosul. Third, the Government's responses and those of the religious authorities and members of parliament towards the rumors. Fourth, the government's measures to curb the spread of rumors. 





