Position of the Iraqi government on the issue Kurdish in Iraq (8th February to the 18th of November 1963 )


  • kafi salman Murad AL-jadri




Kurds, the government, Baath


Research Summary All governments of The Royal Era in Iraq faced Kurd national demands of rejection, all peaceful solutions were rejected , but the option of war and bloodshed, is the only path taken by those governments until the fourteenth day of the July Revolution of 1958 to the fall of the Royal era. Kurdish crowds came out to the streets to express their delight, and to declare their support for the revolution in July. July Revolution confessed the Kurd as second nation in Iraq after Arab nation, in the third article of the interim Iraqi constitution of 1958, But this article did not invest for the benefit of the Arab and Kurdish people to establish bonds of brotherhood between them, especially after the deviation of leaders of the Revolution from the true path, And the return of war to Kurdistan, the Kurds by declaring September revolution in 1961, This revolution has been one of the factors that accelerated the fall of the rule of Qasim, by coopreating the leaders of the Kurdish movement of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan, headed by Mullah Mustafa Barzani, with the Baath Party leaders . How a belief happened among the Kurdistan Democratic Party leadership to cooperate with the members of the National Union Alliance including the Arab Baath Party, which refused their entry to the alliance in 1957, and their knowledge of the position of the Arab Baath party that rejecting the national rights of the Kurdish people. The leaders of Kurdish the movement had to realize the intentions of the Baath Party toward the Kurdish people, especially the statements that issued by National Union Alliance late September 1961 about the position of the Kurdish movement to describe those movements as racist suspicious struggles that speaking fake by the name of Kurds and their benefit of splitting Iraq, and to decay the unity of struggle. This cooperation resulted of verbal and fake promises provided by the Baath party for the leaders of the Kurdish movement . And it is a Declaration of autonomy for the Kurds after the success of the coup . Kurdish leaders congratulated the success of the coup by sending messages of congratulations to the new government leaders, and demand the promises made to the Kurds by declaring autonomy for them . Negotiations took place between the two sides lasted for four months, but it ended by arresting Kurdish delegation in Kirkuk, and the arresting some of Kurdish figures in Baghdad. In the tenth of June 1963, the Iraqi government declared war against the Kurdish people, and moved their armies to the Kurdistan, and by the support of some Arab countries and regional and provide the Iraqi army with weapons by Britain and America until overthrown the Baath government by President Abdul Salam Aref and eliminate Baath forces represented by the national Guard on the eighteenth of November 1963, and halt military operations in northern Iraq. 





